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Exploring Bullet Journals and #BulletJournals
as Literate Practice

A search for “bullet journal” on Google brings up 47.1 million hits (as of November 2, 2018). An Instagram search for “#bulletjournal” brings up more than 2.4 million posts, with another 1.8 million from “#bujo” (as of November 2, 2018). 


Ryder Carroll’s recently released book The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future was on the New York Times bestseller list within a week of its release (R. Carroll, mass email via, November 1, 2018). 


According to The NPD Group—a consumer trends consulting group—sales of bullet journal tools are on the rise. Sales of notebooks saw an 18 percent increase between spring 2017 and spring 2018, alongside a 17 percent increase in the sale of color markers and a 9 percent increase in the sale of paint markers (The NPD Group, 2018). 

Obviously, bullet journals are growing in popularity. But what are they, and how are people using them? This project explores this question through a variety of lenses, each of which suggests a potential area of research I hope to explore. 

You can begin navigating through this project by clicking on the images at the left; I recommend reading through the pages from left to right, starting with the top row. (All images on this site are linked from Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal blog.) 

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©2021 by Lesley Owens. Created with

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